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Har hittar du kylare och tillbehör för kylare till snöskoter. Har du problem med varmgång har vi även extra kylare med termostatstyrd fläkt som kan monteras på din maskin.

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Expansionskärl Arctic Cat & Yamaha 2-t 2014-23

Expansionskärl till Arctic & Yamaha 400, 600 & 800cc maskiner
496,00 kr

Kylare Arctic Cat, 2-t kort

Korta kylaren till Arctic Cat 2-takt modeller 2018-
9.983,00 kr

No longer avalible

1.263,00 kr

Extra cooler Arctic Cat & Yamaha 4-t

Many snowmobiles run hot when driven slowly and when the surface is warm, especially when driven in the spring. Here we offer a kit for Arctic Cat ZR, XF & M 2017 and Yamaha Sidewinder models that have problems with hot running.

The fan is controlled by a thermostat and on this set the fan starts at 80 degrees C, and reaches full speed at about 95 degrees.
6.995,00 kr

Water cooler kit Polaris Assault 650 & 850

Many snowmobiles run hot when driven slowly and when the surface is warm, especially when driven in the spring. Here we offer a kit for Polaris Assault 650 & 850 models that have problems with warm running.

The fan is controlled by a thermostat and on this set the fan starts when the water temperature reaches 50 degrees C and at 70 degrees when the fan 100% speed.Passar till
6.995,00 kr

Extra cooler Arctic Cat & Yamaha 400cc

Many snowmobiles run hot when driven slowly and when the surface is warm, especially when driven in the spring. Here we offer a kit for Arctic Cat Blast och Yamaha Venom models that have problems with warm running.

The fan is controlled by a thermostat and on this set the fan starts when the water temperature reaches 50 degrees C and at 70 degrees when the fan 100% speed.Passar till
6.995,00 kr


1.034,00 kr

Extra cooler Arctic Cat 6000/8000 2018-24

Many snowmobiles run hot when driven slowly and when the surface is warm, especially when driven in the spring. Here we offer a kit for Arctic Cat ZR, XF, Riot, Pantera, Norseman & M models that have problems with warm running.

The fan is controlled by a thermostat and on this set the fan starts when the water temperature reaches 50 degrees C and at 70 degrees when the fan 100% speed.
6.995,00 kr

Expansionskärl Arctic Cat Z1 / TZ1 1100cc (ej turbo)

OBS! denna passar ej turbo modeller
2.200,00 kr

Water cooler kit Polaris Khaos 650 & 850

Many snowmobiles run hot when driven slowly and when the surface is warm, especially when driven in the spring. Here we offer a kit for Polaris Khaos models that have problems with warm running.

The fan is controlled by a thermostat and on this set the fan starts when the water temperature reaches 50 degrees C and at 70 degrees when the fan 100% speed.Passar till
6.995,00 kr


8.327,00 kr


An extremely important part of your vehicle as it transfers heat from one fluid to another in the engine.
8.234,00 kr

Expansionskärl Arctic Cat (äldre)

Inklusive kylarlock
800,00 kr


902,00 kr